Tuesday, March 18, 2008

A Christian Passover Celebration

Back when Easter & Christmas meant long visits our parents, "Passover" was the first religious holiday that was uniquely our own. I brought the tradition of a Christian seder to Jon when we got married. We've had elaborate celebrations, like our first in 2002, when the toast "Next Year in Jeresulam" meant Jon would finish grad school in a few weeks and we'd finally be "free" to live in the same house instead of nine hours apart. We've had small celebrations, such as in 2003, when we hurriedly read the Haggidad over a cup of wine holding our first newborn in our arms.

Usually we celebrate Passover on Maundy Thursday. By participating so directly in the "last supper" the Catholic Church service later in the evening seems to glow with special relevance to the Eucharist. This year, choir practice moved our Passover celebration to Monday night. Here are some snapshots of our feast.

Jon & Alex outside our door with the "lamb's blood" (in our case, some uncooked lamb)

Alex places the blood on the lamb on door post & lintel so the angle of death will "passover" our house.

Our Passover Table. We eat on the floor, wearing our sandles, and carrying our staffs. (The waterproof baby blanket is required after Daddy spilled mustard on our white carpet last year!) We pour four glasses of wine, recite blessings, and trace the traditions of the 10 plauges of Egypt. (The horses are substitute for cows getting cattle diseases, the sunglasses are for the "darkness of the sky")

Washing the Baby's feet in Memory of Christ & St. Peter
(How many kiddie tatoos did Hannah fit on her arm?)

Hannah & Alex Wash the Baby's Feet
Yummy Matza!

There are a number of great passover sites on the internet (both Jewish and Christian). You can celebrate Passover on Thursday or on the acutal Jewish holiday (April 20 -21). We hope you try out some Matza bread this Easter!