Man, you should read the REAL stuff!
For truly deep insights into Carmelite Spirituality, a mere $10 will get you a yearly subscription to the Carmel Clarion "a Catholic publication produced by the Discalced Carmelite Secular Order, Washington Province, with a Main Office in Washington D.C."
I LOVE the Clarion!
For more information on how to order the Clarion, click here. (They will even send it internationally!)
If you are reading a writing by a Carmelite Saint (St. Teresa of Avila, St. John of the Cross, St. Terese of L., St Edith Stein) please go get your book. This second... I'm waiting. Flip your book over. Is there a cute little Institute of Carmel Studies (ICS) cross on the back?
If not, put the book down!
RUN, run to the ICS website and order the official translation from the Carmelites. If you ever had trouble understanding St. Teresa of Avila or St. John of the Cross, I can almost guarantee that you read a bad translation of their works from the original Spanish. The official Carmelite translators are masters of their craft. The translations are so clear and so poetic, insights just leap off the page and into your heart.
Prices are ridiculously cheap. ICS gives huge discounts if you order in bulk.
So really, there is NO EXCUSE.
Please everyone raise your right hand and repeat after me
As a faithful Abigail's Alcove reader, I promise NEVER to buy a Carmelite book without first seeing if the all important ICS logo is on the back cover. I want to support the humble friars who spend years in dusty Spanish convent weeping with joy to touch the actual handwriting of St. Teresa of Avila herself (or ______fill in the blank with appropriate saint). . .
. . .In fact, I will never ever read some nasty untrue, overly purged translations of beloved Catholic saints which actually print the Holy Name of God and Jesus Christ in all small letters like this "god" and "jesus christ" as (ahem!) provided by Barnes and Noble and the like...
(Okay that last bit of the reading pledge is my own personal pet peeve)
But seriously, GOOD TRANSLATIONS of holy written matter greatly. Plus, the Carmelite Friars need our love and support.