Sunday, April 1, 2012

First Week Home with Baby

Some random notes from our first week home.

1. Tess (our 18 month old) looks at her little sister and laughs. She's got the sweetest laugh and the cutest smile. It's totally consistent. Every single time she takes a look at that cute little baby she starts to laugh. I have no idea what's she thinking--maybe "How can God make someone this tiny?" It's adorable.

2. The older kids fight over who gets to hold Baby Abigail. Since she's usually eating, or just fallen asleep after eating, they don't get to hold her very much. This gets loud complaints. I always think about this whenever people ask "are they jealous of the baby?"

3. I'm amazed that the baby fits into our life so easily. In the weeks before she came, I kept worrying "how will I handle five?" It's sort of cool how pregnancy really prepares you to handle new life when it suddenly appears in a pink car seat.

4. Allergy season hit has hit us hard. (Of course, the same week that the outdoor soccer season started.) I'm taking allergy meds this Spring with the blessing of Abigail's doctor. None of the little girls are sleeping well because of allergies. Last night, Tess, Maria and Abigail were all in our bed at 4 AM in the morning. It's times like this that I joke "Might as well add a newborn, since no one is sleeping through the night in my house anyway!"