Tuesday, June 12, 2012

A Sign That I'm Still a Novice Parent

Jon and I just took 20 minutes to decide that we were NOT sending our 7 and 9 year old children to their first swim meet at 6 PM tonight at a pool over 2 hours from our house in the middle of a rainstorm!  

I'm a little freaked out to discover this morning that our hometown swim team thinks that both a) traveling 2 hours for a swim meet and b) swimming in the pouring rain (as long as there is no lightening!) is fine. But I do not have to follow every other parent out there. I can make my own determination not to let my children risk coming down with pneumonia. We are not yet that level of serious youth sport parents.

Update: So at 3:30 PM I changed my mind and totally ended up having the time of my life at a 4 hour swim meet, that surprising ended up being held indoors! Hmmmm. I think one of my purgatory moments is going to be that God reads my very long list of complaints about His Will which always ends up totally perfect for me!