This is perfectly said. And . . . I remember the year my son was 15, we had a foster son who was also 15 living with us and although we were dressing up to pass out candy, no one planned to trick or treat. Then my foster son confessed he'd never gone before. So my son, my 18 year old daughter and her 20 year old boyfriend all got dressed up and walked around the neighborhood. My foster son was a 6 foot tall Korean, but when my daughter, the elected spokesperson, explained that he'd never gone trick or treating before, the neighbors were delighted to help him learn the profession and were generous enough to insist the other 'kids' take candy too! It turned out to be one of our most memorable Halloweens, all because my neighbors understood that we all want to bring joy to a 'child' no matter the age! ♥

Here is my family on Halloween!