Friday, March 20, 2015

Easter Sunday TV Viewing Options: AD The Bible Continues

Easter Sunday is coming! There is a fantastic way to continue our Lenten Journey of Faith using mainstream TV. NBC will air "AD: The Bible Continues" at 9 PM on Sunday, April 5, 2015.

This 12 part TV series is enthusiastically supported by the US Catholic Bishops. There is a book by Mike Aquilina called "AD Ministers and Martyrs" which outlines the lives and sacrifices of 1st Century Christians. There is also an official Catholic Viewer's Guide to this series.

Put this 12 part TV series on your families' calendar! Be prepared to host your family's spiritual development on Sunday night. Get some snacks. Have some books on the table for both children and adults. Get out your Bible. Be inspired!

We are a part of God's Easter Message of Hope! There can't be any better way to move forward in 2015, than to spend an hour being reminded of our ancient church's thrilling early history.