Thursday, July 7, 2011

Pretty Much Sums Up All of the Beauty of Redemptive Suffering in A Few Lines...

My friend wrote a beautiful letter describing her experiences with premature birth for Children's National Hospital. (Her daughter Skylar was a NICU roommate with my Baby Tess).

"You have the choice to make this a hopeful time. It's an unexpected event that has already changed your life. You have the right to feel robbed of what others have gotten to enjoy, but you will also be thankful for things your child will do that "normal" parents will never understand. You will be grateful for the first time you hold a naked baby without any leads, the first time he or she smiles at you, the first time he takes a bottle and the first time they get into a carrier you bought. Yes, it's a big deal to everyone but it means even more to us."

Go read the whole letter. It's awesome! (Click here, go to "Skylar's Mom"